Technical Due Diligence

Ampact enables impact investors and financiers to make informed decisions when supporting impactful tech startups.

Make an Informed Investment

Technical due diligence reporting gives impact investors the necessary information to take informed decisions when investing in impactful startups with a large technical component, such as apps or platform.

Our process is focused on delivering actionable insights that allow both startup and funder to identify key areas for improvement and avoid common pitfalls along the way to increased growth and real change.

Why Due Diligence?

Impact investments are driving some of the most exciting emerging technologies out there, and both investors and entrepreneurs understand that technology plays a key role in any project with a promise of large-scale impact.

Unfortunately, execution failures are common in technical ventures.  This is further compounded by the fact that entrepreneurs often have excellent domain knowledge in their field of impact, but impact founders are often non-technical The result is that impact entrepreneurs are often unprepared for scale and unequipped to pivot their product to changing business needs.

Adjusting a product to new conditions (like scale, new market opportunities, or expanding features) can often take more time and focus that the initial development effort.  Teams are often so overwhelmed with launching and growing their service that they overlook aspects of their startup that pose a risk for success.  The good news is that there are best practices for software development that can be implemented early-on to provide the best chance for large-scale impact.

What We Deliver

We can help startups (and their investors) identify key challenge areas in their technical implementation and strategy.  This allows the team to focus on weak points, see and seize opportunities for growth, correct any false assumptions, and learn from the mistakes of others.
Beyond this, we believe implementation is best evaluated in the context of other key business components, and so our team examines the linkages between technical implementation and product and market fit.  The result is that both the startup and investor develop a common language with clear priorities for moving forward.

Our Focus Areas

Capture Value

Adapt and Build



Business Continuity

Risk Mitigation

About Ampact

Ampact is a collective of freelance technical and business consultants that has helped startups and scaleups leverage technology for real impact. We understand the balancing act that startups walk, and can provide advice on which risks to take and which to cover.  Interested in using our skills to help your investments ready for success?